Due to the immediate challenges shelter and rescue groups are facing amidst COVID-19, we are postponing this webcast until a future date. For those of you who have already registered, you will not have to re-register and will get an email when a new date is put on the calendar. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for understanding and above all, thank you for all you are doing for the animals in your care.
Dr. Niels Pedersen's dedication to finding a cure for FIP has finally culminated in just that - a potential cure, known as GS-441524, or simply "GS." Since GS is not yet FDA approved, there is a burgeoning black market for it and veterinarians should be prepared for the inevitable questions from concerned pet owners. Dr. Kennedy will share her own experiences, discuss best practices to minimize risk and talk about uncommon presentations so you don't miss the diagnosis.
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Dr. Kennedy is the Director of Feline Operations at KC Pet Project, a large, open-admission shelter in Kansas City, Missouri. While a veterinary student at U.C. Davis, Dr. Kennedy was mentored by noted FIP researcher Dr. Niels Pedersen, and she now provides consults to other veterinarians on the diagnosis of the disease. She managed the Alley Cat Allies emergent shelter after Hurricane Katrina, was instrumental in helping Santa Barbara County become no-kill through TNR (Trap Neuter Return) and RTF (Return To Field) and managed a feral cat spay/neuter clinic in Yolo County where she mentored veterinary students on the humane medical care of feral cats. In 2017, after 4 years in feline-only private practice, Dr. Kennedy decided to focus on the welfare of shelter cats by working first at FieldHaven Feline Center in Lincoln, California, and now at KC Pet Project.