Video Length: 43:50
Learn how animal advocates in Austin, Texas, put no-kill on the city's public-policy agenda, and how you can do the same for your community. Topics include writing press releases, strategies for communicating with public officials, learning how to handle opposition and spreading your lifesaving message.
This presentation was recorded by Maddie's Fund® at the 2020 American Pets Alive! Conference.
Ryan is a Texas appellate attorney, a shareholder at the law firm Davis, Gerald & Cremer PC and a former Texas Assistant Solicitor General. In 2005, Ryan founded Fix Austin, an animal-advocacy organization aimed at making Austin a "No Kill" community. Ryan has repeatedly been named a "Super Lawyer" in Texas Monthly magazine and, when he qualified, was named one of the top 25 attorneys in Texas under the age of 40 by Texas Lawyer. He was also a 2009 recipient of the No Kill Advocacy Center's Henry Bergh Leadership Award and a 2018 recipient of the Maddie's® Hero Award. He is a frequent speaker on animal law and advocacy throughout the country.