Video Length: 74 minutes
With a viable foster program it's possible to begin transforming your community to no-kill, even if you don't have a shelter. Learn how a one person position grew into a dog foster team of more than 35 volunteers. This team supports a network of over 1,000 approved foster parents. This workshop will provide step by step guidelines and protocols to help you replicate this success. This presentation was part of the American Pets Alive! 2015 No-Kill Conference.
Ann Lindholm began volunteering with Austin Pets Alive! in July 2008, shortly after the organization pulled its first dog from the city animal shelter. Ann quickly took on the management of the dog foster program, growing it from a one-person operation to a team of more than 35 volunteers. In less than 3 years this team was supporting a network of more than 1,200 approved foster parents, fostering more than 3,300 dogs. The success of the Austin Pets Alive! foster program was instrumental in making Austin a no-kill community. Ann has presented workshops on foster program development for Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS) annual conferences as well as BFAS Idea Exchanges for the No-Kill LA and No-Kill Utah Coalitions. She has also provided on-site consultation for the Utah Humane Society in Salt Lake City, UT