Video Length: 54:27
Civic engagement is an important part of education and community partnerships are essential to reach community members in an ethical and respectful way. Veterinary teaching programs are one way to generate support for veterinary outreach.
Considering how accessible veterinary care programs can fit together with educational programs and other partners to address social injustice is an important consideration for animal welfare organizations.
This talk discusses the Tufts at Tech program and other aspects of Tufts Community Medicine that bring students from multiple training programs together to help community members access veterinary care and other services for pets.
The presentation was recorded at the 2018 ASPCA-Maddie's Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference.
Dr. Emily McCobb received her DVM from Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University in 2000. She is a clinical associate professor of Anesthesiology at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and director of Tufts Shelter Medicine Program. Dr. McCobb also serves as Assistant Director for the Center for Animals and Public Policy.
In addition to clinical responsibilities in the small and large animal teaching hospitals' anesthesia service, Dr. McCobb teaches and mentors veterinary and masters students on a variety of companion animal welfare-related topics including euthanasia, pain management, and shelter medicine and policy. She is involved in the school's efforts to increase veterinary care provided to underserved pet owners through outreach and the continued development of the field of community-based veterinary medicine.