Organization: University of North Carolina
Investigator(s): Steven Rogelberg and Lea Williams
Grant Amount: None
Project Type: Survey
Project Status: Research Complete
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte evaluated the level of interest in developing teams of people (foster teams) who work together to find homes for foster pets. Foster Teams are comprised of people who fulfill different roles, such as team lead, photographer, pet transport, caregivers, etc. The results revealed that there was stronger interest in foster teams among prospective vs. existing foster caregivers. Many respondents felt that foster teams may lead to more community involvement in fostering and more adoptions.
To introduce the foster team concept and evaluate interest of prospective or current foster caregivers, foster caregivers on a break from fostering, and ex-foster caregivers to the foster team concept.
The survey began by asking participants to answer questions about their foster caregiving experiences and general perceptions of foster care. Next, they were asked to read about the foster team concept and answered several questions about the idea. Over 3,300 participants completed the survey.
Over 70% of respondents liked or really liked the idea of foster teams overall and only 10% of respondents had a negative reaction to foster teams.
More than half of respondents (53%) indicated that they would probably or definitely be interested in giving foster teams a try. However, there were also respondents that indicated that they would "prefer to work alone" or "prefer to do everything themselves."
The results from the foster teams survey suggest that there is interest in the foster team concept. Many respondents felt that foster teams may lead to more people being involved in fostering and more adoptions. Organizations who are interested in the foster team concept should target foster caregivers who are on a break (or ex-fosters) and also ensure that volunteer support, respect, and appreciation are high in the organization.