
Behavior Dogs Alive! Solving Eight Common Behaviors that Happen in Shelters

Mike Kaviani and Regan GoinsApril 2020

Learn practical and manageable solutions for common canine behaviors and increase your lifesaving immediately.


ACOs Gone Wild: Handling Fearful and Fractious Wildlife and Companion Animals

April Moore and Mike WheelerApril 2020

Learn animal control officers' tips and tricks for humanely handling even the stickiest situations with fearful and fractious animals.


Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2

Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director of Animal Services Pima Animal Care Center, Tucson, Arizona & Sheila Segurson, DVM, DACVB, Director of Research, Maddie's FundOctober 24, 2019

Part 2: The Challenges of Saving Medium and Large Dogs in Shelters. This webcast is the second in a two-part series but can be viewed on its own and will be useful to shelter leadership at all levels, volunteers, advocates and anyone else who struggles to save big dogs' lives.


What To Do If Your New Dog Is Aggressive

August 2019

Aggression is a form of communication. Keep pets and people safe by preventing aggression from occurring.


What to Do if Your New Dog Won't Eat

August 2019

For the first day or two after arriving at a new home, a dog may not eat. Lack of appetite can have multiple causes, such as environmental change, stress, depression, illness, food allergy or a change in food.


Teaching Your Dog to Leave It

August 2019

Goal: Teach your dog to ignore things you don't want them to have or pay attention to with the cue "leave it."


Introducing Your New Dog to Cats

August 2019

Introducing a new dog to a resident cat can be challenging and should be done slowly and carefully. With time, many dogs and cats can learn to coexist peacefully, become playmates and even friends!


Children and Dogs - How to Keep Interactions Safe

August 2019

Children and dogs can be great, lifelong friends, but it is up to us as their guardians to keep their interactions safe. Children may not be able to read a dog's stressed body language, and injuries can occur.


Dogs Riding in Cars - Safe Transport

August 2019

Many dogs need time to get used to car rides; it should be done slowly and carefully. Here are some tips for traveling safely.


Crate Training Your Dog or Puppy

August 2019

Crate training can help your dog in many ways, such as providing them with a safe place to rest when unsupervised, keeps them from chewing human belongings, and aids in potty training.


Cats and Kids

August 2019

Cats can greatly enrich your children's lives and teach them many valuable lessons about the human-animal bond. There are a few things to consider to make this endeavor a success for your family as well as for your cat, and to ensure happy and safe interactions for all.


Assessing Your Dog's Stress

August 2019

It's important to recognize signs of stress in your new dog as you get to know them. Some dogs will adjust to stressful situations more easily than others.


Adopting a Fearful Cat

August 2019

Most cats are fearful at first in a new environment and will adjust in time. However, if fear isn't addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems.


Should I Let my Cat Outside?

August 2019

Indoor cats and outdoor cats encounter different challenges and risks. Whatever your choice is, it's important to keep your cat healthy and safe.


How Can I Keep Cats Out of My Yard?

August 2019

Seeing the outdoors can be entertaining and engaging for an indoor cat, or it may cause stress. If you only have one indoor cat, observe carefully to see if unfamiliar outdoor cats are visible and causing them stress.


Cat Aggression Toward a Dog when Outdoors

August 2019

Aggression toward a dog when being outdoors can be a normal survival response. However, always take any aggressive episodes seriously.


Cat - Afraid of Anything New

August 2019

Fear is common and a perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. However, if fear isn't addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems.


Cat - Afraid of Noises

August 2019

Fear is common and a perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. However, if fear isn't addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems.


Introducing Cats and Dogs

August 2019

With time, many cats and dogs can live together in peace. The key is to have carefully managed introductions. Don't rush your pets into anything that they are not comfortable with.


Introducing Cats to Other Cats

August 2019

Some cat-to-cat introductions go smoothly, while others may take weeks or months before the cats co-exist with each other. The best way to do this is to go as slowly as necessary, and make every interaction a positive one.


Helping a Shy or Fearful Cat Adjust to Your Home

August 2019

Fear is common and a perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. Be proactive in managing your cat's fearfulness or shyness.


Cat - Fear of New People

August 2019

Fear of unfamiliar people is common and can be seen in all cats. Cats may need some time to adjust to a new home and new people.


Cat - Afraid of Children

August 2019

Children can be overwhelming to cats. Fear in the presence of children is common. However, if fear isn't addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems.


Cat - Afraid of Familiar Dogs

August 2019

Fear of a dog in the same household can be a symptom of an underlying problem. Always take it seriously.


Cat - Afraid of New Dogs

August 2019

Fear of an unfamiliar dog is common, but can be a symptom of an underlying problem. Always take it seriously.


Cats - Afraid of New Cats

August 2019

Fear of unfamiliar cats can be a normal and adaptive behavior, but can lead to more serious problems. Always take it seriously.


Cat - Aggression when Disturbed by a Cat while Resting or Sleeping

August 2019

Aggression toward another cat when disturbed while sleeping can be a normal startle or even survival response. However, always take any aggressive episodes seriously.


Why is My Cat Afraid of Me?

August 2019

A newly adopted or fostered cat, or even a cat that has been in the home for a while, can be scared of you for various reasons.


Cats Who Are Afraid of People They Know

August 2019

Some cats behave fearfully even in the presence of familiar people. They may feel scared if they can't get away from the person when being approached.


Cat - Aggression when Chased by a Cat

August 2019

Aggression toward another cat when being chased can be normal survival behavior or it can be a symptom of an underlying problem. However, always take aggressive episodes seriously.


Cat - Aggression Toward Dogs During Play

August 2019

Play between cats and dogs can be fun for both species. However, cats that have not been socialized with dogs from an early age will almost always behave defensively.


Cat - Aggression During Play with Other Cats

August 2019

When dealing with aggression between two cats that appear to be playing, it is important to understand that play behavior is natural, especially in kittens.


Cat - Aggression when Disturbed by a Dog while Resting or Sleeping

August 2019

Aggression towards a dog when disturbed while sleeping can be a normal startle or even a survival response. However, always take any aggressive episodes seriously.


Cat Aggression When Approached By People

August 2019

Cats don't speak our language, so often aggression is the only way they can communicate to us that they are uncomfortable. Fear is the most common reason for aggression./p>


Managing Fear Aggression in Cats

August 2019

Fear is a debilitating feeling and can lead to very serious behavioral issues in cats. It is an underlying reason for aggression and always needs to be taken seriously.


Cat Aggression when Approached by a Dog

August 2019

Aggression towards a dog when approached can be a normal survival response. However, always take it seriously as it can lead to serious fights and injuries.


Cat - Aggression when Approached by a Cat

August 2019

Aggression towards another cat when being approached can be a symptom of an underlying problem. However, always take aggressive episodes seriously.


Cat - Aggression when Reprimanded

August 2019


Cat - Aggression when Chased by a Dog

August 2019

Aggression towards a dog when being chased can be a normal survival response. However, always take aggressive episodes seriously.


Cat Aggression Toward New Cats

August 2019

Aggression between unfamiliar cats most frequently occurs when introducing new cats in a home, or if unfamiliar cats appear outside your home.


Cat Aggression Towards Familiar Dogs

August 2019

Aggression towards a dog in the same household can be a symptom of an underlying problem. Always take it seriously.


Cat Aggression Toward New Dogs

August 2019

Aggression toward a new dog can lead to serious injuries to the dog, but also to the cat and should always be taken seriously.


Cat - Aggression when Touched or Petted

August 2019

When cats display aggression when touched or petted, it can stem from many different motivations. It always needs to be taken seriously.


Cat - Aggression when Brushed or Groomed

August 2019

When cats display aggression when brushed or groomed, it can stem from many different motivations. It always needs to be taken seriously.


Cats - Overstimulation

August 2019

Many cats exhibit overstimulation or petting-induced aggression. Cats vary enormously as to the extent and duration to which they like petting or handling.


Grooming an Aggressive Cat

August 2019

It is very important to be cautious when grooming an aggressive cat. Injuries from scratching or biting can be severe and serious.


Cat Bites to People

August 2019

Aggression is a serious behavioral issue in cats. It can result in severe injury to humans, so any cat bite to a person needs to be addressed.


Dog or Cat Bitten by a Cat

August 2019

Aggression is a serious behavioral issue. Cat bites can lead to severe injuries, and hence any bite needs to be taken seriously.


Cat Aggression Toward Caretaker

August 2019

It is important to understand why cats act aggressively toward us and address it so that the relationship between you and your cat can start to blossom.


Cat Aggression Toward Familiar People

August 2019

It is important to address aggression towards family members early. Even mild forms of aggression, when not properly addressed, can evolve into serious aggression.


Cat Aggression Toward New People

August 2019

Many cats are not comfortable around strangers, or certain strangers in the home. Aggression is a serious behavioral issue in cats and is a symptom of an underlying problem.


Cat Aggression Toward Children

August 2019

It is very important to ensure happy and safe interactions between kids and cats. Cat aggression towards children is particularly dangerous.


Cat Aggression Toward Familiar Cats

August 2019

Aggression between cats who live together is fairly common. Some fights are obvious, and some can lead to serious injury. Other fights are more subtle, and you may not immediately notice them happening.


Excessive Meowing

August 2019

Cats can be very vocal, and certain cats are more vocal than others. Cats learn to use vocalization to communicate with humans.


Why is My Cat Meowing?

August 2019

Cats can be very vocal, and certain cats are more vocal than others. Cats can learn to use vocalization to communicate with humans.


Meowing When Left Alone

August 2019

It is a common belief that cats are not social. This is not true! Newer studies have shown that some cats crave human social contact just as much as dogs might.


How Can I Stop My Cat From Meowing Too Much?

August 2019

Cats can learn to communicate with us, just as we learn to communicate with them. Cats meow or vocalize to get our attention, or express discomfort or pain.


Continuous Meowing or Vocalization

August 2019

Each cat has their own personality. Some cats are more vocal than others, and most cats can learn to vocalize to communicate with humans.


Cats - Destructive Scratching

August 2019

Cats are loved for their companionship, playfulness, and fun they provide to a home. However, when people and cats live together, some natural feline behaviors can lead to destruction of property and injury to guardians.


Cat Aggression Toward People

August 2019

Aggression is a serious behavioral issue in cats, and unfortunately it is not uncommon. Aggression is a symptom of an underlying problem and always needs to be taken seriously.


Finding Professional Behavioral Help for Cats

August 2019

These days behavioral advice can be only an internet search away, but how do you know you are getting the best advice for your specific situation by a qualified expert?


Cat - Aggression During Play

August 2019

The term "play aggression" can be misleadingas it can lookslike intense playand occur in cats of any age. Cats with play aggression can target other cats, dogs,or even people in the household.


Cat Not Urinating

August 2019

If you don't find urine in the litter box there can be a few reasons, and we will help you trouble shoot.


Coughing in Cats

August 2019

An occasional cough can be normal for a cat, actually helping clear the airway. If your cat's coughing is mild and there are no other symptoms such as nasal discharge or lethargy, monitoring him/her for the next couple of days may be all that is needed.


Coughing in Dogs

August 2019

An occasional cough can be normal for a dog, actually helping clear the airway. If your dog's coughing is infrequent and there are no other symptoms such as nasal discharge or lethargy, monitoring him/her for the next couple of days may be all that is needed. Keeping your dog separate from other dogs is recommended until a veterinarian gives the okay, since he/she may have a contagious upper respiratory infection.


Diarrhea in Cats

August 2019

Some soft stool or diarrhea in cats is common with dietary changes or the stress of adapting to a new environment. If your cat has had a small amount of diarrhea once or twice, and if no other symptoms are present (e.g., vomiting, lethargy, not eating) it is acceptable to be patient and continue to monitor him/her. Continued, frequent or large amounts of diarrhea can be a sign of something more serious and could lead to dehydration and weight loss.


Diarrhea in Dogs

August 2019

Some soft stool or diarrhea in dogs is common with dietary changes or the stress of adapting to a new environment. If your dog has had a small amount of diarrhea once or twice, and if no other symptoms are present (e.g., vomiting, lethargy, not eating) it is acceptable to be patient and continue to monitor him/her. Continued, frequent or large amounts of diarrhea can be a sign of something more serious and could lead to dehydration and weight loss.


Difficult or Labored Breathing in Cats

August 2019

Difficult or labored breathing is a very serious and potentially life threatening emergency that requires immediate medical attention.


Difficult or Labored Breathing in Dogs

August 2019

Difficult or labored breathing is a very serious and potentially life threatening emergency that requires immediate medical attention.


Dogs with Difficulty Urinating

August 2019

Dogs that are having problems peeing often ask to go outside to use the bathroom more than normal. They are usually peeing small, frequent amounts, or they cannot pee at all. They might have pee accidents in the house. Straining to pee, no matter the amount of urine output, is never normal. Peeing should be a comfortable and effortless process, with a steady and adequate amount of urine.


Ear Problems in Cats

August 2019

Ear infections aren't common in cats as they are in dogs, but can be very frustrating when they are present. Cats with ear problems usually have ear mites and might scratch their ears, have smelly ears, and/or shake their heads.


Ear Problems in Dogs

August 2019

Ear problems are fairly common in dogs, especially dogs with floppy ears. Dogs with ear problems might scratch their ears, have smelly ears, and/or shake their heads.


Eye Discharge in Cats

August 2019

Eye discharge in cats is a symptom rather than a disease itself, and has a variety of causes. Eye discharge may be clear and runny, or it may be green/yellow and thick. If your cat's symptoms are mild and he/she has a normal appetite and energy level, and does not have any other symptoms of illness, it is okay to monitor him/her for a few days.


Eye Discharge in Dogs

August 2019

Eye discharge in dogs is a symptom rather than a disease itself, and has a variety of causes. Eye discharge may be clear and runny, or it may be green/yellow and thick. If your dog's symptoms are mild and he/she has a normal appetite and energy level, and does not have any other symptoms of illness, it is okay to monitor him/her for a few days.


Fleas in Cats

August 2019

Fleas are tiny, wingless, blood-sucking insects that live off the blood of their hosts. The fleas biting the skin can cause cats to scratch, bite, lick, and chew at themselves. Fleas can also cause an allergic reaction in some cats. They can become extremely itchy and start losing their fur and getting secondary bacterial infections on the skin (scabs and sores). Heavy flea infestation in cats can lead to death from anemia (blood loss). If your cat's gums are very pale, or if he/she is lethargic/weak, he/she may need emergency veterinary care.


Fleas in Dogs

August 2019

Fleas are tiny, wingless, blood-sucking insects that live off the blood of their hosts. The fleas biting the skin can cause dogs to scratch, bite, lick, and chew at themselves. Fleas can also cause an allergic reaction in some dogs. They can become extremely itchy and start losing their fur and are at risk for getting secondary bacterial infections on the skin (scabs and sores). Heavy flea infestation in dogs can lead to death from anemia (blood loss). If your dog's gums are very pale, or if he/she is lethargic/weak, he/she may need emergency veterinary care.


Inappropriate Elimination in Cats

August 2019

If your cat is urinating or defecating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use.


Intestinal Parasites in Cats

August 2019

Intestinal parasites can cause diarrhea, weight loss, rough hair coat, and/or a pot-bellied appearance. Vomiting can also be seen, sometimes with worms in the vomit. Sometimes cats with intestinal parasites show no signs at all.


Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

August 2019

Intestinal parasites can cause diarrhea, weight loss, rough hair coat, and/or a pot-bellied appearance. Vomiting can also be seen, sometimes with worms in the vomit. Sometimes dogs with intestinal parasites show no signs at all.


Lethargy in Cats

August 2019

Lethargy is a common term for weakness and lack of energy. This is a vague description of a symptom, but it occurs often with many illnesses in cats. Lethargy can range from slight (e.g., not as playful as usual), to moderate (e.g., not interested in play, sleeping more than usual), to extreme (e.g., barely moving, difficulty holding head up).


Lethargy in Dogs

August 2019

Lethargy is a common term for lack of energy and weakness. This is a vague description of a symptom, but it occurs often with many illnesses in dogs. Lethargy can range from slight (e.g., not as playful as usual), to moderate (e.g., not interested in play, sleeping more than usual), to extreme (e.g., barely moving, difficulty holding head up).


Limping in Cats

August 2019

Limping (lameness) in cats can be subtle or very obvious. You may see your cat holding up his/her paw or hopping on three legs from time to time, or you may see your cat consistently not putting any weight on his/her paw at all. Severe lameness needs prompt veterinary attention, as your cat is likely very uncomfortable and in need of medication to relieve pain. Do not give your cat any pain medication without consulting with a veterinarian, as some medications are toxic to cats.


Limping in Dogs

August 2019

Limping (lameness) in dogs can be subtle or very obvious. You may see your dog holding up his/her paw or hopping on three legs from time to time, or you may see your dog consistently not putting any weight on his/her paw at all. Severe lameness needs prompt veterinary attention, as your dog is likely very uncomfortable and in need of medication to relieve pain. Do not give your dog any pain medication without consulting with a veterinarian.


Litter Box Problems

August 2019

If your cat is urinating or defecating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use.


Litter Box Tips

August 2019

If your cat is urinating or defecating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use.


Ringworm in Cats

August 2019

Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is a common skin disorder in cats that is highly contagious to other pets and to people. Children and immunocompromised individuals (e.g. HIV/AIDS patients, cancer patients, patients on immunosuppressive medications) are especially susceptible to ringworm. This website addresses ringworm from a public health standpoint: CDC: Healthy Pets Healthy People: Ringworm


Seizures in Cats

August 2019

Most seizures last one to two minutes and resolve on their own. If your cat has a seizure for more than two minutes, and/or if there is more than one seizure observed, your cat needs emergency veterinary care.


Seizures in Dogs

August 2019

Most seizures last one to two minutes and resolve on their own. If your dog has a seizure for more than two minutes, and/or if there is more than one seizure observed, your dog needs emergency veterinary care.


Sneezing and Nasal Discharge in Cats

August 2019

If your cat's sneezing and/or nasal discharge is mild and he/she has a normal appetite and energy level, it is okay to monitor him/her for the first couple of days. Keeping your cat separate from other cats is recommended until a veterinarian gives the okay, since he/she may have a contagious upper respiratory infection.


Sneezing and Nasal Discharge in Dogs

August 2019

If your dog's sneezing and/or nasal discharge is mild and he/she has a normal appetite and energy level, it is okay to monitor him/her for the first couple of days. Keeping your dog separate from other dogs is recommended until a veterinarian gives the okay, since he/she may have a contagious upper respiratory infection.


Straining to Pee in Cats

August 2019

Cats that are having problems peeing are often seen going in and out of the litter box more than normal. They are usually peeing small, frequent amounts, or they cannot pee at all. They might pee outside of the litter box. Straining to pee, no matter the amount of urine output, is never normal. Peeing should be a comfortable and effortless process, with a steady and adequate amount of urine.


Urine Marking in Cats

August 2019

If your cat is urinating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use.


Vomiting in Cats

August 2019

For some cats, an occasional, isolated episode of vomiting can be nothing to worry about. If your cat does not have any other signs of illness (e.g., fever, lethargy, not eating), it is best to be patient and continue to monitor your cat.


Vomiting in Dogs

August 2019

For some dogs, an occasional, isolated episode of vomiting can be nothing to worry about. If your dog does not have any other signs of illness (e,g, fever, lethargy, not eating), it is best to be patient and continue to monitor your dog.


Basic Principles of Managing a Large-Scale Animal Emergency or Disaster

Dick Green, Senior Director of Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019

This workshop discusses the basic principles of incident management and why having everyone speak the same language and be under the same incident command structure saves lives. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference.


2018 Year of Disasters in Review

Dick Green, PhD, Senior Director of Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019

In this talk, Dr. Green provides key take-home lessons learned and best practices so that communities and animal welfare agencies will have more tools to enhance animal response capabilities and become more disaster resilient. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference.


Solutions for the Top Five Reasons Dogs are Dying in Shelters

Mike Kaviani, Director, Orange County Animal Care and Aaron Caldwell, Dog Behavior Co-Manager, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019

The presentation will provide you with practical and manageable solutions for the top five reasons dogs are dying and being killed in shelters today.


Saving Dogs with Behavioral Challenges

Aaron Caldwell, Dog Behavior Co-Manager, Austin Pets Alive! and Mike Kaviani, Director, OC Animal CareMarch 2019

Viewers will learn about cutting edge ways to solve non-shelter created behavior problems in shelter dogs.


Solving Litter Box Problems

November 2018

In this class you will learn how to understand the various issues related to owner surrender of cats with a history of inappropriate litter box use, the various medical and behavioral causes of peeing and/or pooping outside the litter box, techniques to eliminate behavioral causes of not using the litter box, and how to facilitate a successful adoption of a cat with a history of inappropriate litter box use.


Choosing the Appropriate Walking Gear

November 2018

In this class, you will learn the various different types of dog walking equipment, the pros and cons of each equipment, and what might be best for your foster dog.


How to Handle Leash Walking

November 2018

In this short class, learn the best tips for training your foster dog to walk properly on leash as well as a few other training scenarios leashes come in handy for.


Introducing a New Dog to Pocket Pets and/or Birds

September 2018

Introducing a new dog to pocket pets and/or birds can be risky, and needs to be carefully planned and done slowly.


Housetraining - Building Healthy Elimination Habits

August 1, 2019

With a good plan, your new dog can quickly learn to use the outdoor bathroom area you establish.


Play and Toys - Your New Dog's First Few Days

September 2018

Play is a great way to release stress and tension, and a dog occupied with toys or games will also be a dog that isn't chewing on your personal belongings and furniture.


Clicker training can reduce stress for cats in animal shelters

August 14, 2018

When shelter staff and volunteers talk about clicker training for cats, it’s mostly as a way to get the kitties to put their best paw forward for adopters. But what if it can be something more — even a tool to fight suffering and disease? That was the theory of researchers at Colorado State and North…


Can something in the air treat fights between cats in the same family?

July 31, 2018

What if you could sprinkle magic fairy dust to reduce fighting between cats in a family? That would certainly help keep cats in their homes, and encourage people to adopt multiple cats, so we wish we could tell you magic anti-cat fight fairy dust was a thing. What we can tell you is there’s something…


Get Your Pit Bull-Type Dogs Adopted with the Canine Good Citizen Program

Carrie MorrisMarch 2018

Through a partnership with Best Friends Animal Society, Austin Pets Alive! embarked on a six-month pilot program to test the effectiveness of Canine Good Citizen Training on adoption rates. The results have been jaw-dropping!


Is it time to stop evaluating shelter dogs for food guarding?

March 15, 2018

Research published last month suggests evaluating shelter dogs for food guarding doesn’t increase safety or reduce bites, and may result in lower adoption rates and increased euthanasia of dogs who are defined as “food guarders.” The behavior a dog shows in an animal shelter may not match the behavior she’ll show once in a home.…


Basket Muzzle Training

Fear FreeFebruary 2018

Conditioning a dog to be comfortable wearing a muzzle is an important life skill. In this short video by Fear Free you can learn how to do exactly that.


House Training Your Foster Dog

January 2018

Learn some easy methods to help in house training your foster dog in this short video.


Study: Can a human drug help community cats experience less stress during TNR?

December 12, 2017

Can you imagine how terrifying it must feel for cats who are trapped for sterilization and returned to their outdoor habitat, especially when the cat is not socialized to humans? And you probably don’t need to imagine how much stress pet cats can experience when taken to the veterinarian — if you’ve ever owned a…


Study: What cats really don’t like in their litter box

September 26, 2017

When cats stop using their litter box, and they get a clean bill of physical health from their veterinarian, there’s one piece of advice that almost universally comes next: Keep your litter box clean. But what does that mean from the cat’s point of view? The smell of a cat box is probably the main…


From anxious to adoptable: An expansion of foster care using a Maddie’s Idea Lab Grant

June 7, 2017

Do you have shy or anxious dogs in your shelter who you just know would benefit from being in a foster home and out of the shelter environment? That's exactly how the Anxious Dog Program (ADP) started at Longmont Humane Society in Longmont, Colo. The Anxious Dog Program expands the shelter’s foster program to include specially…


#FeelGoodFriday: Golf cart transports fearful dog to happiness!

May 12, 2017

Sometimes a golf cart is just a golf cart. And sometimes it’s a terrified dog’s ticket to ride. When Daphne came to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, she was scared of everything. She was frightened of people, and wanted to hide all the time. But one day, her caregiver, John Sibley, encouraged her to jump up…


Using foster care to increase lifesaving in large dogs

May 2, 2017

Can you place medium and large dogs with behavioral problems in foster homes and see their behavior improve? Can those dogs eventually be adopted into permanent homes? And can all of that be done safely? Those were the objectives of a 22-month long study conducted by Fairfax County Animal Shelter in Virginia. The result? A…


Study: Pet store puppies have more aggression, anxiety, and house-soiling problems

March 30, 2017

There’s an important tool to help in the fight against puppy mill puppies sold through pet stores: They’re more likely to be aggressive with their owners, strangers and other dogs. They’re also more fearful and suffer more from separation anxiety. In a study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association and led…


Small Changes, Big Results for Cats

Mike Keiley and Bryn Conklin RogersMarch 2017

Learn how making a few small, easy-to-implement changes can spiral into more programs, lower intake and decrease euthanasia at an open admission adoption center.


Setting a shy dog up for success

March 29, 2017

How do you approach your shy foster dog for the first time? And how can you prepare your family for when you bring the dog home? Knowing how to handle these situations can go a long way toward setting your foster dog up for success — and that’s exactly what you’ll learn in our new…


How a dog named Patty sparked a lifesaving revolution for dogs with behavior challenges

March 28, 2017

Are there dogs in your shelter or rescue who you honestly think can’t be adopted because of behavior problems? There might be a simple solution — and if it works for them, they’ll have a dog named Patty to thank. Kristen Auerbach, Deputy Chief Animal Services Officer at the Austin Animal Center, told Patty’s story…


Introducing Your Foster Dog to Strangers in Your House

Rebound HoundsMarch 2017

This short video, on introducing your foster dog to a stranger at your house, will demonstrate easy and ultimately rewarding steps to help your foster dog greet new people in a safe and relaxed manner.


Bringing Your Shy Foster Dog Home

March 2017

To help start a foster family of a shy dog get off on the right foot, er paw, this short video will provide helpful tips for bringing your foster dog to your house for the very first time.


Study: Audiobooks outperform music at reducing stress in shelter dogs

March 1, 2017

By now you’ve probably seen the research showing dogs in shelters are quieter when they’re listening to soft rock, reggae, and (at least for short periods) classical music. You may have seen programs where children come in and read to shelter dogs. So here’s the question: Do dogs like listening to audiobooks? The answer is…


Fostering and Socializing Unsocial Kittens

January 2017

The good news is that many unsocialized kittens can learn to not only tolerate interaction with humans but even enjoy it.


Through a cat’s nose: How understanding smell can keep cats in homes and reduce stress in shelters

January 10, 2017

Most of us know dogs put a lot of store in how things smell, their noses are legendary for their sniffing ability. It’s not as widely known that the smells in a cat’s environment are a critical part of what makes a cat feel safe and free of stress, whether the cat is living in…


Study: The effect of declawing on litter box use in multi-cat households

January 3, 2017

Problems related to urinating and defecating outside the litter box and living with more than one cat are among the top reasons people surrender cats to a shelter. Is that worse for cats who have been declawed? The average number of cats per cat-owning household is 2, indicating that multi-cat households are very common in…


The way shelters handle and care for cats can improve their adoption chances

December 13, 2016

Can something as simple as more frequent cleaning of food bowls and changing of water in a shelter cat’s housing get them adopted more quickly? A study soon to be published in the peer-reviewed journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science suggests that it is. The study was conducted in Austria, where it’s illegal for shelters to…


The magic ingredient for success in adopting a puppy mill survivor

March 24, 2016

It’s the most important step you can take to help a newly adopted puppy mill dog adjust, say experts: If you don’t already have one, get another dog. While patience is the quality most needed by puppy mill rescue adopters, research conducted by Dr. Frank McMillan and presented at the University of Florida Maddie’s® Shelter…


Toys and TLC in animal shelters: Looking beyond adoption rates

March 15, 2016

What if playing and interacting with shelter pets didn’t help them get adopted more easily? Would that be a reason to stop? Absolutely not, and here’s why. A number of studies in recent years have looked at the impact of toys, play, grooming and human interaction on pets in shelters. Some have shown those interventions…


How Stress is Sabotaging Your Cat Adoption Efforts

Dr. Sheila D'ArpinoFebruary 2016

It's well known that cat health is quickly and negatively impacted by stress. But is it also making it harder for them to get adopted? Learn strategies to identify those effects not only in individual cats, but in the entire population of cats in a facility.


How Stress is Sabotaging Your Dog Adoption Efforts

Dr. Sheila D'ArpinoJanuary 2016

Are dogs in shelters developing health and behavior problems because of stress? And does that make adoption more difficult and less likely for those pets? Learn to recognize the harmful effects of stress on sheltered dogs, and strategies to alleviate that stress in this free webcast.


Is stress undermining your pet adoption efforts?

January 12, 2016

Are dogs and cats in shelters developing health and behavior problems because of stress? And does that make adoption more difficult and less likely for those pets? Yes, says board certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Sheila D’Arpino. On January 14 and February 4, 2016, she’ll be presenting free webcasts on how stress is sabotaging your pet…


How foster homes set shelter pets up for behavioral success

January 5, 2016

Foster homes can provide a valuable safe harbor for stressed, fearful, or anxious shelter pets, as well as a place where they can learn behaviors that will maximize their chances for successful adoption into a permanent home. For that to happen, however, the foster family must also provide appropriate support for the easing of fears…


Avoiding Dog Fights in the Shelter

Ehren Melius October 2015

Dog-to-dog aggression can be challenging, but there are myriad ways to keep your canines happy and safe.


Getting Big Dogs Out of the Shelter via Canine Good Citizen Training

Marian Cannell and Amy LewisFebruary 2015

Through a partnership with Best Friends Animal Society, Austin Pets Alive! embarked on a six-month pilot program to test the effectiveness of Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Training on adoption rates. The results have been very good and show a clear adoption rate difference between dogs who undergo training and those who don’t.


Saving All the Little Dogs: Small Dog Behavior Issues

Faith Wright and Deaven WilsonFebruary 2015

Do you know how many small breed dogs are euthanized in your community shelter? In Austin, Texas in 2008, it was many more than would have been expected (roughly 500). Do you know that nearly ALL of them can be saved and although many are marked "aggressive", they rarely are?


Taking Troubled Tabbies from Naughty to Nice

Sara Cookson and Kristin Hill February 2015

Every rescue encounters troubled cats with issues that go beyond tortitude. The Austin Pet's Alive! Cat Behavior Team will teach you how to prevent behavior problems before they start.


Behavior Modification for Cats in Shelters and Foster Homes

Sara L. Bennett, DVM, MS, DACVBOctober 2014

Getting a leopard to change his spots sometimes seems easier than getting a domestic cat to change her behavior. Fortunately, the science of feline behavior modification has come a long way in recent years, leaving animal shelters, rescue groups, fosters and adopters with plenty of new tools to help cats become happier and well-adjusted companions.


Helping Cats Who Hiss and Hide: Pre-Webcast Survey Results

November 2013

On November 14, 2013, Maddie's Fund® presented the webcast Helping Cats Who Hiss and Hide: Assessment, Behavior Modification and Re-Homing Strategies for Shy and Fearful Cats, with Dr. Sheila D'Arpino, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist. Those who registered for the live webcast filled out a short questionnaire regarding their own experiences with shy and fearful cats.