Video Length: 56 minutes
In this presentation, attendees learn about the distinguishing characteristics of the three types of grant makers - foundations, corporate funders and public charities -and why those differences matter. Using the ASPCA's grant programs and process as a model, we will explore how a grant seeker should start and build a relationship with funders, including how to 1) best represent their organization through the proposal, 2) communicate a match between the proposal and the funder's guidelines and priorities, and 3) fulfill the funders' grant requirements - all with an aim at securing the proposed grant and future grants. Find out what information funders ask for and why, in addition to the impact of technological proficiency, diplomacy, accuracy and thoughtfulness on the success of a grant proposal and stewardship of grants. This presentation was recorded at the 2017 ASPCA-Cornell Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference.
Michael Barrett has led the grants department at the ASPCA since 2008. Under his leadership, cumulative grants have exceeded $100 million to nearly 3,000 grantees, and grant programs have expanded to include a variety of creative initiatives that respond to the needs of animals in every U.S. state. Previously, Michael worked for the Gulf Coast Task Force at New York's regional grant maker association, Philanthropy New York. Michael lives in New York City with his dog, Binah, who was rescued by the ASPCA from a puppy mill in 2010.