Video Length: 38 Minutes
Neonatal kittens pose a unique challenge for animal shelters as one of the most vulnerable and fragile animals that come through our doors. Through lifesaving efforts, shelters are increasingly able to care for and save these tiny shelter residents.
Learn how one shelter, Placer County Animal Services, has tackled this challenge through an innovative and creative solution.
This webcast has been pre-approved for 30 minutes of Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement.
Katie Ingram has been the Animal Services Manager at Placer County Animal Services in Auburn, California for the past two years.
Since joining the team, she has been responsible for the opening of the new, state-of-the-art animal shelter, increasing community engagement and developing new and progressive shelter programs.
Katie has worked in the Animal Sheltering industry for the past 12 years and previously oversaw the Volunteer, Public Education/Outreach and Rescue Coordination programs at OC Animal Care in Orange, California.