Video Length: 85 minutes
How can you get jumpy, mouthy or fearful shelter dogs adopted? By joining the "Shelter Dog Mod Squad" and learning how to identify and modify those behavior problems!
Many shelters are not sure how serious specific canine behavior problems can be, and what methods will work to address them. Even common problems like jumping, mouthiness and fear can compromise a dog's chances for adoption. But most of these dogs can be helped with a simple program of identification and behavior modification.
Join us for this free webcast from Maddie's Fund® with Veterinary Behaviorist Dr. Sheila (Segurson) D'Arpino from the Center for Shelter Dogs as she presents Shelter Dog Mod Squad: Identifying and Modifying Canine Behavior Problems in Shelters.
Information covered will include:
Shelter Dog Mod Squad: Identifying and Modifying Canine Behavior Problems in Shelters is part of an ongoing series of educational programs from Maddie's Institute, a program of Maddie's Fund®, the nation's leading funder of shelter medicine education. Maddie's Institute brings cutting edge shelter medicine information from universities and animal welfare leaders to shelter veterinarians, managers and staff as well as private practice veterinarians, rescue groups and community members to increase the lifesaving of homeless dogs and cats community-wide.
This course has been pre-approved for Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
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Dr. Sheila (Segurson) D'Arpino is a Veterinary Behaviorist for the Center for Shelter Dogs (CSD) at the Animal Rescue League of Boston. She graduated from veterinary school in 1996 and completed the first ever Maddie's® Shelter Behavior Residency in 2005. She has worked for and with many different sheltering organizations over the years, and is proud to have been with CSD since 2008. Her focus is welfare, enrichment and behavior modification programs for shelter dogs by developing and implementing programs, contributing to research and sharing information with people who help shelter dogs.