Video Length: 48:57
Data is a key piece of the lifesaving puzzle, but how do we use it to save the lives of the animals in our care? This session will teach you how to look at your data, animal by animal, of those that didn't make it out alive, and how to use this information to increase live outcomes in the future. This presentation was recorded by Maddie's Fund® at the 2019 American Pets Alive! Conference.
Before teaching the Austin No-kill Model to students, Monica founded a trap-neuter-return organization in rural Illinois in 2008 and pioneered one of the nation's first, and largest, barn cat programs. In 2012, she joined Austin Pets Alive! where she served as the Cat Program Manager and led her team to an 88 percent growth in cat adoptions. That helped Austin achieve a citywide 98 percent live release rate for cats. An instructor for the American Pets Alive!'s Maddie's® Lifesaving Academy, Monica is a frequent speaker and advisor on innovative ways to save every cat, including cats with feline leukemia, community cats, and shelter cats in need of medical care.